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Jane Zuidema

Over Jane Zuidema

Jane Zuidema is CEO of MANS Consultancy and founder of Open Mind Management; and she loves innovation. In her own company she is the innovator. In the past 20 years she has been involved in may project via board room consultancy and training. She has also coached hundred of inventers, giving her a unique perspective from the inside out, Jane is active in multinationals and non profit companies and is speaker in international platforms. Key words: out of the box, confrontational and interactive with the audience.

Innovation management: Slow down to speed up. The CEO’s innovation squeeze.
Project Excellerator: How to speed up your projects via behavioural change
Gedrag is een werkwoord : Waarom gedragsvisie de ruggengraat van succes van een organisatie is.

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Nederlands, Engels


Change Management | Gedragsmanagement | Gedragsvisie | Innovatie | Verandermanagement


Conferentie | Presentatie | Training | Webinar | Workshop



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De Perfecte Kick Off

Jane Zuidema | Management Impact | 9789462761674

Heb je wel eens maanden aan een nieuw product gesleuteld toen er plotseling nieuwe specificaties door de marketingafdeling werden gegeven? Of was je aan een prestigieus project begonnen toen je halverwege concludeerde dat je al door het budget heen was? Dan had je de kick off van je project beter anders kunnen aanpakken. In De Perfecte Kick Off geeft Jane Zuidema alle tools voor een goede voorbereiding op een project. Uit een internationaal onderzoek onder projectmanagers destilleerde zij een projectmanagement nachtmerrie top-4: Hoe maak ik een team van mijn projectleden? Hoe manage ik mijn stakeholders? Hoe ga ik om met happy flow planning? Hoe tackle ik scope creep? In De Perfecte Kick Off worden al deze problemen beantwoord.

Slow Down to Speed Up - The CEO’s Innovation Squeeze

Slow Down to Speed Up - The CEO’s Innovation Squeeze

Jane Zuidema | MANS Open Mind Management | 9789082300031

"Recognisable examples and staying away from the soft blabla." 'Slow down to speed up - The CEO’s Innovation Squeeze' is a unique book, as it takes the innovator’s physiology as a starting point for innovation: what is his or her inner state when she is 'in a flow'? What is the required leadership style in a multinational when the focus is on innovation? And what are the implications for processes, systems and mandate? 'Slow down to speed up - The CEO’s Innovation Squeeze' demonstrates that sustaining, experimental and radical innovation demand totally different requirements of management. This book is a trip down memory lane for innovators, because they will recognise their daily practices and struggles. But it is also recommended for CEO’s who face the challenge of facilitating all three kinds of innovation in one and the same organisation simultaneously and successfully. "Good to have creative theory made applicable." "Liked the topic – explaining the power of mindsets from a scientific perspective. Makes it easier for people to accept the importance of mindsets in innovation."


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